

AOJ 2246 : Alice and Bomb

問題リンク : Alice and Bomb | Aizu Online Judge


解法 :
幾何 + dijkstra
1. 点を引数とし、その点が爆風を遮っている ( その点がゴールになっている ) か判定する関数
2. 2つの点を引数とし、その2点間を直線で移動することができるか判定する関数

2.の関数では点の内包判定をすることになるが、角度で点の内包判定をするととても重い (実装にもよるだろうが)
自分の持っているライブラリは角度のものだけだったのでspagettie sourceのものを利用した




#define REP(i,s,n) for(int i=s;i<n;i++)
#define rep(i,n) REP(i,0,n)
#define EPS (1e-8)
#define equals(a,b) (fabs((a)-(b)) < EPS)
#define CLOCKWISE -1 
#define ONLINE_BACK 2
#define ONLINE_FRONT -2
#define ON_SEGMENT 0

using namespace std;

class Point{
  double x,y;

  Point(double x = 0,double y = 0): x(x),y(y){}

  Point operator + (Point p){return Point(x+p.x,y+p.y);}
  Point operator - (Point p){return Point(x-p.x,y-p.y);}
  Point operator * (double a){return Point(a*x,a*y);}
  Point operator / (double a){return Point(x/a,y/a);}
  Point operator * (Point a){ return Point(x * a.x - y * a.y, x * a.y + y * a.x); }

  bool operator < (const Point& p) const{ return !equals(x,p.x)?x<p.x:(!equals(y,p.y)&&y<p.y); }

  bool operator == (const Point& p)const{ return fabs(x-p.x) < EPS && fabs(y-p.y) < EPS; }


struct Segment{
  Point p1,p2;
  Segment(Point p1 = Point(),Point p2 = Point()):p1(p1),p2(p2){}
  bool operator <  (const Segment& s) const { return ( p2 == s.p2 ) ? p1 < s.p1 : p2 < s.p2; }
  bool operator == (const Segment& s) const { return ( s.p1 == p1 && s.p2 == p2 ) || ( s.p1 == p2 && s.p2 == p1 ); }


typedef Point Vector;
typedef Segment Line;
typedef vector<Point> Polygon;

ostream& operator << (ostream& os,const Point& a){ os << "(" << a.x << "," << a.y << ")"; }

ostream& operator << (ostream& os,const Segment& a){ os << "( " << a.p1 << " , " << a.p2 << " )"; }

double dot(Point a,Point b){ return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y; }

double cross(Point a,Point b){ return a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x; }

double norm(Point a){ return a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y; }

double abs(Point a){ return sqrt(norm(a)); }

int ccw(Point p0,Point p1,Point p2){
  Point a = p1-p0;
  Point b = p2-p0;
  if(cross(a,b) > EPS)return COUNTER_CLOCKWISE;
  if(cross(a,b) < -EPS)return CLOCKWISE;
  if(dot(a,b) < -EPS)return ONLINE_BACK;
  if(norm(a) < norm(b))return ONLINE_FRONT;
  return ON_SEGMENT;

bool intersectLL(Line l, Line m) {
  return abs(cross(l.p2-l.p1, m.p2-m.p1)) > EPS || // non-parallel
         abs(cross(l.p2-l.p1, m.p1-l.p1)) < EPS;   // same line
bool intersectLS(Line l, Line s) {
  return cross(l.p2-l.p1, s.p1-l.p1)*       // s[0] is left of l
         cross(l.p2-l.p1, s.p2-l.p1) < EPS; // s[1] is right of l
bool intersectLP(Line l,Point p) {
  return abs(cross(l.p2-p, l.p1-p)) < EPS;
bool intersectSS(Line s, Line t) {
  return ccw(s.p1,s.p2,t.p1)*ccw(s.p1,s.p2,t.p2) <= 0 &&
         ccw(t.p1,t.p2,s.p1)*ccw(t.p1,t.p2,s.p2) <= 0;
bool intersectSP(Line s, Point p) {
  return abs(s.p1-p)+abs(s.p2-p)-abs(s.p2-s.p1) < EPS; // triangle inequality

Point projection(Line l,Point p) {
  double t = dot(p-l.p1, l.p1-l.p2) / norm(l.p1-l.p2);
  return l.p1 + (l.p1-l.p2)*t;
Point reflection(Line l,Point p) {
  return p + (projection(l, p) - p) * 2;
double distanceLP(Line l, Point p) {
  return abs(p - projection(l, p));
double distanceLL(Line l, Line m) {
  return intersectLL(l, m) ? 0 : distanceLP(l, m.p1);

double distanceLS(Line l, Line s) {
  if (intersectLS(l, s)) return 0;
  return min(distanceLP(l, s.p1), distanceLP(l, s.p2));
double distanceSP(Line s, Point p) {
  Point r = projection(s, p);
  if (intersectSP(s, r)) return abs(r - p);
  return min(abs(s.p1 - p), abs(s.p2 - p));

double distanceSS(Line s, Line t) {
  if (intersectSS(s, t)) return 0;
  return min(min(distanceSP(s, t.p1), distanceSP(s, t.p2)),
             min(distanceSP(t, s.p1), distanceSP(t, s.p2)));

Point crosspoint(Line l,Line m){
  double A = cross(l.p2-l.p1,m.p2-m.p1);
  double B = cross(l.p2-l.p1,l.p2-m.p1);
  if(abs(A) < EPS && abs(B) < EPS){
    vector<Point> vec;
    assert(vec[1] == vec[2]); //同じセグメントかもよ
    return vec[1];
    //return m.p1;
  if(abs(A) < EPS)assert(false);
  return m.p1 + (m.p2-m.p1)*(B/A);

//cross product of pq and pr
double cross3p(Point p,Point q,Point r) { return (r.x-q.x) * (p.y -q.y) - (r.y - q.y) * (p.x - q.x); }
//returns true if point r is on the same line as the line pq
bool collinear(Point p,Point q,Point r) { return fabs(cross3p(p,q,r)) < EPS; }
//returns true if point t is on the left side of line pq
bool ccwtest(Point p,Point q,Point r){
  return cross3p(p,q,r) > 0; //can be modified to accept collinear points
bool onSegment(Point p,Point q,Point r){
  return collinear(p,q,r) && equals(sqrt(pow(p.x-r.x,2)+pow(p.y-r.y,2)) + sqrt(pow(r.x-q.x,2) + pow(r.y-q.y,2) ),sqrt(pow(p.x-q.x,2)+pow(p.y-q.y,2)) ) ;

double angle(Point a,Point b,Point c) {
  double ux = b.x - a.x, uy = b.y - a.y;
  double vx = c.x - a.x, vy = c.y - a.y;
  return acos((ux*vx + uy*vy)/sqrt((ux*ux + uy*uy) * (vx*vx + vy*vy)));
bool inPolygon(Polygon poly,Point p,bool flag=true){
  if((int)poly.size() == 0)return false;
  if( flag ) rep(i,poly.size()) if(onSegment(poly[i],poly[(i+1)%poly.size()],p))return true;
  double sum = 0;
  for(int i=0; i < (int)poly.size() ;i++) {
    if( equals(cross(poly[i]-p,poly[(i+1)%poly.size()]-p),0.0) ) continue; // 3点が平行だとangleがnanを返しsumがnanになり死ぬ
    if( cross3p(p,poly[i],poly[(i+1)%poly.size()]) < 0 ) sum -= angle(p,poly[i],poly[(i+1)%poly.size()]);
    else                                                 sum += angle(p,poly[i],poly[(i+1)%poly.size()]);
  // あまり誤差を厳しくしすぎると良くないので以下のほうが良い 
  const double eps = 1e-5;
  return (fabs(sum - 2*M_PI) < eps || fabs(sum + 2*M_PI) < eps);

enum { OUT, ON, IN };
int contains(Polygon& P, Point& p) {
  bool in = false;
  for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) {
    Point a = P[i] - p, b = P[(i+1)%P.size()] - p;
    if (a.y > b.y) swap(a, b);
    if (a.y <= 0 && 0 < b.y)
      if (cross(a, b) < 0) in = !in;
    if (cross(a, b) == 0 && dot(a, b) <= 0) return ON;
  return in ? IN : OUT;
// -------------------

bool LT(double a,double b) { return !equals(a,b) && a < b; }
bool LTE(double a,double b) { return equals(a,b) || a < b; }

bool DEBUG = false;

struct Data {
  Point cur;
  double weight;
  int a,b;
  bool operator < ( const Data &data ) const { return LT(data.weight,weight); }

const double DINF = 1e30;
int N;
Point bomb;
vector<Polygon> polies;
vector<vector<double> > mindist;
vector<vector<bool> > goals;

bool isValidMove(Point src,Point dst){

  Segment ururu_beam = Segment(src,dst);
  Point mp = ( src + dst ) * 0.5; // $
  rep(i,N) {
    int M = polies[i].size();
    bool in = false;
    bool on = false;
    rep(j,M) {
      Segment seg = Segment(polies[i][j],polies[i][(j+1)%M]);

      Point a = polies[i][j] - mp, b = polies[i][(j+1)%M] - mp;
      if( a.y > b.y ) swap(a,b);
      if( a.y <= 0 && 0 < b.y )  if( cross(a,b) < 0 ) in = !in;
      if( cross(a,b) == 0 && dot(a,b) <= 0 ) on = true;

      // うるるビームと平行なのであればどの様な状況であっても正しい移動
      if( equals(cross(ururu_beam.p1-ururu_beam.p2,seg.p1-seg.p2),0.0) ) continue;
      seg = Segment(polies[i][j],polies[i][(j-1+M)%M]);
      if( equals(cross(ururu_beam.p1-ururu_beam.p2,seg.p1-seg.p2),0.0) ) continue;
      seg = Segment(polies[i][j],polies[i][(j+1)%M]);

      if( !intersectSS(ururu_beam,seg) ) continue;

      Point cp = crosspoint(ururu_beam,seg);

      //交点が src or dst である場合必ず正しい移動
      if( cp == ururu_beam.p1 || cp == ururu_beam.p2 ) continue;

      if( cp == seg.p1 || cp == seg.p2 ) {

	// p0 -> p1 ->p2, p0 -> p1 -> p3 が平行であることはない ( 前でcontinueしてるから )
	Point p0 = src;
	Point p1 = cp;
	Point p2 = polies[i][(j+1)%M];
	Point p3 = polies[i][(j-1+M)%M];
	if( cp == p2 || cp == p3 ) continue;
	int ccw_res1 = ccw(p0,p1,p2);
	int ccw_res2 = ccw(p0,p1,p3);
	if( ccw_res1 != ccw_res2 ) return false;
      } else return false;
    if( !( src == bomb || dst == bomb ) && !on && in ) return false;

  if( !( src == bomb || dst == bomb ) ) {
    Point mp = ( src + dst ) / 2.0;
    //rep(i,N) if( inPolygon(polies[i],mp,false) ) return false;
    rep(i,N) if( contains(polies[i],mp) == IN ) return false;

  return true;

double temper;
void dijkstra(){
  temper = DINF;
  priority_queue<Data> Q;
  while( !Q.empty() ){  
    Data data = Q.top(); Q.pop();
    if( data.a != -1 && LT(mindist[data.a][data.b],data.weight) ) continue;
    if( data.a != -1 && goals[data.a][data.b] ) {
      temper = data.weight;
    rep(i,N) rep(j,polies[i].size()){
      Point next = polies[i][j];
      if( data.cur == next ) continue;
      if( !isValidMove(data.cur,next) ) continue;
      double next_weight = data.weight + abs(next-data.cur);
      if( LT(next_weight,mindist[i][j]) ) {
	mindist[i][j] = next_weight;

bool isGoal(Point p){
  Segment ururu_beam = Segment(bomb,p);
    int M = polies[i].size();
      Segment seg = Segment(polies[i][j],polies[i][(j+1)%M]);
      if( !intersectSS(ururu_beam,seg) ) continue;
      Point cp = crosspoint(ururu_beam,seg);

      if( !( cp == p ) ) return true;
      else if( cp == seg.p1 || cp == seg.p2 ) {
	int k = (cp==seg.p1?j:(j+1)%M);
	int c1 = ccw(bomb,p,polies[i][(k-1+M)%M]);
	int c2 = ccw(bomb,p,polies[i][(k+1)%M]);
	assert( !( p == polies[i][(k-1+M)%M]));
	assert( !( p == polies[i][(k+1)%M]));
	assert( c1 == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE || c1 == CLOCKWISE );
	assert( c2 == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE || c2 == CLOCKWISE );
	if( c1 == c2 ) return true;
  return false;

Point getOnSegmentPoint(Point p){
  Segment ururu_beam = Segment(bomb,p);
  Vector e = (ururu_beam.p2-ururu_beam.p1) / abs(ururu_beam.p2-ururu_beam.p1);
  ururu_beam.p2 = bomb + e * 1000000;
  Point ret = Point(-DINF,-DINF);
  rep(i,N) {
    int M = polies[i].size();
      Segment seg = Segment(polies[i][j],polies[i][(j+1)%M]);
      if( !intersectSS(ururu_beam,seg) ) continue;
      Point cp = crosspoint(ururu_beam,seg);
      if( cp == p ) continue;
      if( ret == Point(-DINF,-DINF) ) ret = cp;
      else if( LT(abs(cp-bomb),abs(ret-bomb)) ) ret = cp;
  return ret;

Point vir;
bool comp_dist(const Point &p,const Point &q) {
  return LT(abs(vir-p),abs(vir-q));

void compute(){

  if( isGoal(Point(0,0)) ) {

  rep(i,N) rep(j,polies[i].size()) goals[i][j] = isGoal(polies[i][j]);

  // dijkstra で各頂点間の最短距離を求める

  //rep(i,N) rep(j,polies[i].size()) goals[i][j] = isGoal(polies[i][j]);
  //double answer = DINF;
  double answer = temper;
  rep(i,N) rep(j,polies[i].size()) if( goals[i][j] && LT(mindist[i][j],answer) ) {
    answer = mindist[i][j];

  // ゴールとなる候補店の列挙
  // 各点について、ゴールか、ゴールであれば最小値を更新する
  rep(i,N) {
    int M = polies[i].size();
      Point p0 = bomb;
      Point p1 = polies[i][j];
      Point p2 = polies[i][(j+1)%M];
      Point p3 = polies[i][(j-1+M)%M];
      int ccw_res1 = ccw(p0,p1,p2);
      int ccw_res2 = ccw(p0,p1,p3);
      if( ( ccw_res1 == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE || ccw_res1 == CLOCKWISE ) && ( ccw_res2 == COUNTER_CLOCKWISE || ccw_res2 == CLOCKWISE ) && ccw_res1 != ccw_res2 ) {

      Point p = getOnSegmentPoint(polies[i][j]);
      if( p.x != -DINF && p.y != -DINF ) {
	//if( !( LT(abs(p),answer) ) )
	if( isGoal(p) )	{
	  if( LT(abs(p),answer) && isValidMove(Point(0,0),p) ) {
	    answer = min(answer,abs(p));
	  } else {
	    double mini = DINF;
	    rep(k,N) rep(l,polies[k].size()) if( LT(mindist[k][l]+abs(polies[k][l]-p),min(answer,mini)) && isValidMove(polies[k][l],p) ) {
	      mini = min(mini,mindist[k][l]+abs(polies[k][l]-p));
	    answer = min(answer,mini);

      p = projection(Segment(bomb,polies[i][j]),Point(0,0));

      //if( !( LT(abs(p),answer) ) )
      if( isGoal(p) )	{
	if( isValidMove(Point(0,0),p) ) {
	  answer = min(answer,abs(p));
	} else {
	  bool success = true;
	  Segment ururu_beam = Segment(p,Point(0,0));
	  rep(k,N) {
	    int M2 = polies[k].size();
	      Segment seg = Segment(polies[k][l],polies[k][(l+1)%M2]);
	      if( !intersectSS(ururu_beam,seg) ) continue;
	      if( equals(cross(ururu_beam.p1-ururu_beam.p2,seg.p1-seg.p2),0.0) ) continue;
	      Point cp = crosspoint(ururu_beam,seg);
	      if( cp == seg.p1 || cp == seg.p2 || cp == ururu_beam.p1 || cp == ururu_beam.p2 ) continue;
	      success = false;
	    if( !success ) break;
	  if( success ) {
	    double mini = DINF;
	    rep(k,N) rep(l,polies[k].size()) if( goals[k][l] ) {
	    mini = min(mini,mindist[k][l]+abs(ururu_beam.p1-ururu_beam.p2));


int main(){
  while( scanf("%d",&N) , N ) {
    polies.clear(), mindist.clear(); goals.clear();
    polies.resize(N), mindist.resize(N), goals.resize(N);
    //cin >> bomb.x >> bomb.y;
    scanf("%lf %lf",&bomb.x,&bomb.y);
    rep(i,N) {
      int m;
      polies[i].resize(m), mindist[i].resize(m,DINF), goals[i].resize(m,false);
      rep(j,m) scanf("%lf %lf",&polies[i][j].x,&polies[i][j].y);//cin >> polies[i][j].x >> polies[i][j].y;
  return 0;